Gartner Analyzes Hyper-V and vSphere
If you haven’t seen it yet, a Gartner report from last month* is really worth checking out.
Gartner calls out three key areas (Acquisition costs, Ease of management, and Functionality richness), and I recommend reviewing the entire report in detail.
You can read it here, compliments of Microsoft.
In the report, Gartner analyst Thomas Bittman advises clients what to consider when choosing the best offering for server virtualization, and discusses the evolution of this market.
According to Gartner,
The good news is this market, once dominated by a single vendor with the ability to charge anything it wanted, is now competitive. Take advantage of that.
This is a cool development, and worth considering in the context of some of the Hyper-V developments I’ve noted here in the past, like it’s performance with 1st party workloads, the IaaS innovations in the R2 wave, and that world record we set with HP and SAP.
* Gartner, How to Choose Between Hyper-V and vSphere, T. Bittman, 9 October 2013